Li Auto is likely to offer surprises at the launch of the new SUV Li L7 in two days. In addition to the Max and Pro versions, Li Auto will offer lower-priced Air versions of the Li L7, Li L8.

The Li L7 and Li L8 are the two lower-priced models Li Auto has on sale. The company's flagship model is the Li L9, which is currently offered in only one version, the Max, with a starting price of RMB 459,800.

On September 30, 2022, the Li L8 went on sale in two versions, Pro and Max, with starting prices of RMB 359,800 and 399,800 respectively. Deliveries for the model began on November 10.

The Air version of the Li Auto will eliminate features including air suspension and electric suction doors, thus reducing the price of the entry version of the Li L7 to slightly over RMB 300,000.

The entire Li Auto lineup is now extended-range electric vehicles (EREVs), essentially plug-in hybrids, and the entire Li L7 and Li L8 lineup is equipped with air suspension. With the removal of the air suspension as well as the electric suction doors, the price of the entry version is expected to be reduced by more than RMB 20,000.

The company will not launch a model priced under RMB 200,000 and will stick strictly to the price range of the three size classes (full-size, mid to large-size and mid-size). Li Auto is warming up for the launch of the Li L7, which began at 20:00 Beijing time on February 8.

The Li L7 is Li Auto's first five-seat offering and will redefine the family five-seat SUV, bringing a new flagship-level experience for families of three.